

Employees are used to having retirement plans through their work. The benefits for employees are clear – ability to save for retirements and reduce current tax burden.

For employers there are multiple benefits – tax savings, retirement plan as a retention tool, ability to reward critical employees.

Retirement plans come with a burden of regulation and thus having the right partner to work with is essential. We work with the top retirement platform provider that is able to customize your plan to fit your specific needs – and to indemnify your company vs. retirement plan regulations. Today defined contribution plans (DC) make the vast majority of plans, but they have many different options that provide different benefits. There are still defined benefit plans (DB) in existence and while they are a rarity with large corporations, there are benefits for professional offices and partnerships.

Contact us today for a free analysis of your existing situation. If a plan is in existence, we need the following information:

  • Name of employer
  • Current Asset Statement
  • Copy of monthly invoice from current plan provider
  • Current Fee Disclosure
  • Copy of SPD (Summary Plan Description)


Our goal is to guide you to the best possible outcome for your situation.

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