My name is Bozidar Jovanovic and I am the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Honey Badger Advisors. Why did I start this firm?
I wanted to create a place where freedom loving patriots can have their money managed according to our shared values:
Respect for US constitution and the bill of rights, trust in America’s greatness, rejection of globalist manipulations. We are 100% woke free.
Over the years, I noticed that portfolios of many investors, even those with millions in assets, were built in a haphazard way and not living up to the expectations. Sometimes this is due to the investment organizations own conflict of interest. Other times it is because the vast majority of financial advisors are glorified salesmen – gathering assets and selling the “hot product of the day” – regardless of how it benefits the clients. No wonder than that 67% of Americans would rather see a dentist than speak to a financial advisor.
Honey Badger Advisors is here to change this – we are bringing to you institutional quality portfolio management, free of biases and conflicts of interest. Common sense planning and expertise that serves you and only you.
Our services are for you if you are serious about securing your and your family’s future and want someone to help you with your best interest in mind. We will never serve interests of mega banks, funds, insurance companies, activists or global scoundrels like World Economic Forum. Our approach is Values Based Planning, where we work with you to create a Financial Road Map, that will guide you toward your highest values and best life.
On the other hand if you have goals that are not consistent with prudent investment – such as virtue signaling, ESG, get rich quick, ponzi schemes, fads, meme stocks, crypto – we are not for you. We cannot reconcile our fiduciary duty with such activities and would advise you to take business elsewhere.
Ready to have a conversation about your values?
How do we invest your funds?
Our Fundamental Values
Unbiased – we are not restrained by competing business interests. We are not involved in M&A, securitization, security origination, so we can offer unfiltered opinion.
Fierce – just like our name sake, Honey Badger, we are small but unafraid to tell you what large complex organization with multiple lines of business won’t.
Fiduciary – we are fee only advisors – we won’t sell your data to Hedge Funds, we don’t take payments from outside managers to place their products. Your best interest is our best interest. The only commissions we accept are for providing insurance products – which we do only when needed.
Our Pledge – we do not engage in high pressure sales or any other “sales strategies”. We do not sell products, we provide solutions for your financial security.
Are You Asking Yourself These Questions?
– Will I be able to retire? When?
– What kind of lifestyle will I be able to afford when I retire?
– What can I do today to achieve my desired lifestyle in retirement?
-What do I do about market volatility?
– Are my dependents protected in case something unexpected happens?
– What happens to my family if I get disabled?
– How do I leave a legacy for my family and causes I care about?
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